Barrier Free

Barrier-Free Education Initiative

Welcome to the Barrier-Free Education Initiative portal. This project was developed by CHS to assist school boards in creating an inclusive, barrier-free learning environment for Deaf and hard of hearing students, to improve outcomes in Ontario’s publicly funded schools.

The first two phases of the project included reviewing the accessibility of schools, conducting workshops to create awareness about topics like anti-ableism and anti-audism, and reviewing educational sign language interpreting services. Click here for past materials created by the Barrier-Free Education Initiative.

Learning materials

In the final phase of the project, the focus moved online via the creation of webinars, a classroom accessibility guide and a mental health guide for parents and teachers. Click one of the links below to access these materials:

Classroom Accessibility guide – Advice and practical tips for teachers, administrators and school board to help provide access to education for Deaf and hard of hearing students.

Mental health guide – Information, strategies and resources related to mental health for parents and teachers of Deaf and hard of hearing students.

Webinars for Educators – A series of videos for educators focusing on removing barriers to education for Deaf and hard of hearing students. 


For more information on the Barrier-Free Education Initiatives Project, please contact