• News Releases

Accessible Elections Guidelines: Duty to Accommodate Persons with Disabilities who are Candidates, Election Campaign Volunteers, Voters and Members of Political Parties

Deaf persons and individuals with hearing loss need full and equal access to the democratic and electoral system during the municipal, provincial and federal election campaign activities and election polls. All political parties and organizers of all candidates meetings, election campaign activities, and election polls are legally responsible to accommodate individuals with hearing loss and Deaf persons who are candidates, election campaign volunteers, members of political parties and voters.

To obtain information on the Accessible Election Guidelines for voters, volunteers, citizens or candidates who participate in riding association activities, election campaign activities or election polls, here are useful and resourceful links as follows:

Ontario Human Rights Commission    http://www.ohrc.on.ca/en/elections-accessibility-letter-executive-all-political-parties-registered-ontario

Elections Ontario   http://www.elections.on.ca/en-CA/Accessibility/

Quick References on Removing Barriers to Political Participation

The Canadian Paraplegic Association Ontario (CPA Ontario), the Canadian Hearing Society (CHS), CNIB and Ontario March of Dimes partnered with the government of Ontario to prepare Count Us In:  Removing Barriers to Political Participation, 2007, three reference guides to increase accessibility of Ontarians with disabilities to the democratic process.

People with disabilities deserve the same opportunities as everyone else to participate in election activities.  These guides will help to identify and remove key barriers to the democratic process.  Political candidates and their parties will benefit from the views and involvement of this portion of the voting public.  We must all take steps to ensure that all campaign and election activities are as accessible as possible to all of our citizens.

Count Us In: Removing Barriers to Political Participation—Three Quick References:

1. Accessible All Candidates Meetings


2. Accessible Constituency, Riding Association, Central Party and Campaign Offices


3. Accessible Campaign Information and Communication


CHS Position Paper on Access to Democracy and the Electoral System
